A Usha Tejaswy

Aug 20, 20214 min

General Pet Care Tips For New Pet Parents

Updated: Aug 21, 2021

Got a new fur kid or seeking any pet-related tips & advice regarding general pet care.

As a responsible pet parent, it is the basic responsibility of any pet owner to ensure proper pet care. While adopting a pet is a lifelong commitment, the unconditional love and joy which they bring to our lives are immeasurable.

Here in this blog, we have shared some important pet care tips and information for pet parents that will help you provide the best possible care for your furry friend.

Let us get into the details of some of the basic pet care guidelines that every pet owner should follow.

1. Vaccinations:

Shield your pets from highly contagious and deadly diseases. Get them vaccinated – at the right time & frequency.

When designing a vaccination schedule for your pet, your vet considers the pet’s lifestyle, age, related disease risks and advise the vaccination pattern. Keeping in view all the above factors, your vet determines the timing and the frequency of vaccinations.

Core vaccines are recommended and considered vital for most pets. Some of them include vaccination for Rabies, Parvo infection, feline viral rhinotracheitis, etc., While ‘non-core vaccines’ like for leptospira, canine kennel cough & others are added as per your pet’s needs.

Get a vaccination schedule.

Never skip any shot. Set reminders so that you don’t miss any vaccination appointments.

Have any doubts regarding the vaccinations? Our pet friendly experts are a click away. Book an online consultation with us.

A well-balanced & Nutritious Diet:

A nutritious and well-balanced diet is essential to keep the pet healthy.

There’s no one perfect food for a dog/a cat. The needs keep changing according to their age and the climatic conditions.

Nurturing a pet in an Indian household means feeding it with our homemade meals. This generally includes our bread, daal chawal, egg, chicken, or any other food with masalas.

It is out of lack of awareness that we feed our beloved furry companions, the food which isn’t right for their tummies.

Tagged are some quick reads from the founder of Pupkitt, Dr. Anirudh Mittal. Find out why bread dough & chocolates are a big NO for your pets.

Also, make sure your pet is well hydrated at all times.

If you’re unsure about what’s best for your pet or have some queries, it is a great idea to get an opinion from your vet!

Also, see five dangerous foods that should be avoided for your pets.

A regular grooming routine is a must:

Grooming your pet at regular intervals is very essential for its well-being. A typical grooming session generally includes dental hygiene, brushing its coat, bathing, ear cleaning and nail trimming.

Dental diseases can lead to heart and kidney ailments in pets. Start a dental routine to keep its teeth and gums healthy.

Pets do not need frequent baths as compared to humans. It is “as-per-the-need” basis or every fortnightly in summers and once a month in winters.

Check this out - we have gathered some quick info on a step-by-step guide for your pet’s bathing routine.

Regular nail trims are essential for dogs. Clipping nails regularly reduces the risk of nail tears & cracks in nails. There is always a risk of long nails getting curled up and prick/pierce the paws while walking or running.

Do you want to try clipping your pet’s nails? Go thru this DIY guide before you start out on a Nail Trimming adventure with your pet.

Keep them off from Fleas & Ticks:

At some point in their lives, many pets experience the discomfort caused by external parasites such as fleas & ticks. These parasites thrive in warm and humid climates, monsoon being the best for them.

Flea and tick infestations can cause a host a bunch of medical problems in your pets ranging from minor skin irritations to life-threatening conditions.

These can be extremely irritating to the pets and may also be carriers of different deadly diseases, common being Tick fever.

These fleas get embedded onto the skin underneath the coat of your pets, host on them, and suck their blood; young or small pets with heavy flea infestations may become anemic.

Read more about Tick fever in Dogs & its prevention

Frisk your pets during regular brushing or a grooming session. Check for any fleas or ticks. Avoid manual removal of ticks from your pet’s skin and always seek a veterinarian's help.

Toss the cigarettes:

Pets breathe what we breathe. Research suggests that your pet is equally at the risk of passive smoking.

Generally, pets snuggle up to their owners when they are smoking and spend more time lazing off on the carpets or the furniture covered with carcinogenic particles.

Exposure to second-hand smoke can cause sinus and lung cancer in dogs, and respiratory issues in small pets such as birds, rabbits, or hamsters.

Alternately, good ventilation can reduce the smoke curling around the house. Don’t leave ashtrays or cigarette butts accessible to your pets.

Whilst you can reduce the amount of smoke your pet is exposed to by smoking outdoors, stopping smoking completely is strongly recommended in the best interest of your family and furry companions.


  • Schedule a thorough wellness check-up for your furry friend once a year.

  • Never use human medication for any pet, unless otherwise prescribed.

  • Ensure that all your pet grooming products are free from chemicals and irritants and safe to use on them.

  • Frisk your dogs thoroughly. Check for any fleas, ticks, or lumps.

Do not hesitate to consult your vet in case of any advice. Or for quick consultations, book an online appointment with us!


  1. https://www.avma.org/vaccination-faq

  2. https://www.aspca.org/pet-care/general-pet-care

  3. http://www.vetstreet.com/our-pet-experts/a-warning-to-pet-owners-who-smoke
